From unemployment to QA Engineer

Like many others, graduate Jo Wilcox’s life was changed dramatically by COVID19 – but little did she know it would open doors to a new career in the gaming industry.

Despite a bright start to working life as an assistant asset manager, back in 2023 she was forced to quit her job due to a disability worsened by the challenges of the pandemic. Suddenly, things weren’t looking too great.

But time to recover also meant time to rethink her career. And, by then, gaming had sparked an interest in jobs in quality assurance. Indeed, Jo was intrigued by the concept of the Game Academy “bootcamp” opening doors to opportunities in the gaming industry.

In April this year, she enrolled on the course. Just weeks before its completion, the 28-year-old started her new job as a junior quality assurance engineer/tester with Manchester-based CONDUCTR.

And, already, she’s hoping one day she’ll be able to mentor other women interested in a similar path.

Jo said: “It’s great to feel I’m finally where I belong and I’d definitely recommend the Game Academy Bootcamp, even to people who aren’t that into gaming. 

“For me, it’s been the foundation of a new start; I realise I have to walk before I can run but, one day, I’d love to have a leadership role. It would be great to mentor other women and to help them find their way in the gaming and/or tech industries, which can sometimes be perceived as a little male-orientated.”

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Opening up Digital Careers


from unemployment to streamer, content creator and marketer